In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to experience muscle tension and stiffness. Whether it’s from intense workouts, extended periods of sitting, or the overall stress of daily life, it’s important to find a reliable way to relieve that tension. Fortunately, the Bob and Brad Q2 Mini Pocket-Sized Muscle Massage Gun is a small yet powerful device that effectively targets muscle soreness after a workout. This review will examine this mini massage gun’s key features and benefits to show how it can help you feel better and keep moving forward.

Table of Contents: Bob and Brad Q2

Bob and Brad Q2 Review

The Bob and Brad Q2 Mini is not just another massage gun. It’s a portable powerhouse designed to deliver therapeutic relief right where you need it. Despite its small size, this device does not compromise performance, offering a powerful punch that can effectively target every muscle group. In the following sections, we’ll take a more detailed look at these key features and the benefits of choosing this massage gun.

Bob and Brad Q2 Size and Portability

The Q2 Mini redefines portability in massage guns, and the compact size is the key selling point. This device measures a mere 5.7″ L x 3.4″ W x 1.8″ H, making it one of the smallest massage guns on the market. Yet, don’t let its small size fool you. This device is perfect for travellers, athletes, and professionals who are always on the move and really can fit in your pocket.

The Bob and Brad Q2 Mini Massage Gun also has an accompanying carry case, enhancing its portability. The case is compact and tailor-made to fit the device, protecting it from potential damage during transit, with the carry case. This case makes it convenient to pack the Q2 Mini into your gym bag, suitcase or even a large purse, ensuring you can access quick muscle relief anywhere. It’s a thoughtful addition that genuinely emphasises the pocket-sized nature of this massage gun.

Striking Balance of Power and Size

The Bob and Brad Q2 Mini Massage Gun establishes an unprecedented balance between power and size, thus emerging as a handy tool for top-notch relief on the go. Despite its compact size, the device boasts maximum speeds of up to 3000 rotations per minute (RPM) and a vibration amplitude of 7mm. With 5 adjustable speeds(1800, 2100, 2400, 2700, 3000) percussions per minute, each speed delivers greater therapeutic benefits for the body.

The Bob and Brad Q2 Mini is an adept massage gun at breaking up knots and relaxing tight muscles, digging deep to reach muscle groups such as the calf. This feature reinforces the Q2 Mini’s capacity to provide comprehensive muscle relief, irrespective of location, making it a reliable companion for your well-being and pre/post-training.

Bob and Brad Q2 Mini Attachments

The Bob and Brad Q2 Mini comes equipped with five distinctive attachments, each tailored for different massage experiences:

  1. Flat Head: This general-purpose head is suitable for all body parts and provides a comprehensive massage. Its broad contact surface offers a well-distributed massage for large muscle groups.
  2. Bullet Head: This head has a pointed end ideal for pinpoint muscle treatment and deep tissue massage, targeting specific areas such as knots and trigger points.
  3. Fork Head: The fork head is uniquely designed to work down the spine and Achilles tendons, providing a split area of focus for spine alignment and relieving pressure on the bones.
  4. Round Head: The round head attachment provides a more concentrated massage for large muscle groups. It’s perfect for areas like the chest, glutes, and quads.
  5. Cushion Head: With its softer surface, this attachment is designed for sensitive areas and bones. It’s ideal for places like the ankle or wrist where bones are near the skin’s surface.

4-Hour Battery Life and Fast Charge Time

When it comes to battery life, the Q2 Mini excels. It ensures uninterrupted muscle recovery sessions, which is critical when you’re trying to maintain a regular recovery routine. 500m-A-h rechargeable lithium-ion battery lasts about 3-4 hours (depends on the intensity setting) with only a 3.5-hour charge time. Use it in the home, gym, or office. USB Type-C can charge this deep tissue percussion muscle massage gun with the regular phone adapter.

Bob and Brad Q2 Mini Pros and Cons

Every product has strengths and weaknesses; the Q2 Mini is no exception.


  • Compact and lightweight: Ideal for travel and on-the-go use.
  • Powerful performance: Despite its size, it delivers robust percussion therapy.
  • Long battery life: Allows for extended use without frequent recharging.
  • Variety of attachments: Offers a tailored massage experience.


  • Low amplitude: While it offers powerful performance, its low amplitude may only suit some.
  • Durability: Being smaller, it may not be as sturdy as larger models.

Comparisons with Other Bob and Brad Massage Guns

Compared to other Bob and Brad models like the Bob and Brad C2, T2, and X6 Pro, the Q2 Mini stands out primarily for its portability. While these other models may offer more power or additional features, none can match the compact size and lightweight design of the Bob and Brad Q2 Mini. In the table below, you can find the full range of percussion therapy massage guns from Bob and Brad.

Why Choose the Bob and Brad Q2 Mini Over Other Models?

Choosing the Q2 Mini over other models in the Bob and Brad range often boils down to several key factors: portability and convenience. As the smallest massage gun in their line-up, the Q2 Mini’s compact dimensions make it a perfect fit for those seeking therapy on the move. Whether you’re a frequent traveller or a professional constantly on the go, the Q2 Mini’s size allows easy packing and transportation, ensuring you can enjoy a rejuvenating massage anywhere, anytime.

In terms of convenience, the Q2 Mini’s long-lasting battery ensures uninterrupted muscle recovery sessions, a particularly beneficial feature for athletes following rigorous workout routines. Also, this device’s various attachments enable a personalised massage experience, allowing users to target specific muscle groups as needed.

While the Q2 Mini may not have the amplitude of larger models, its powerful performance and robust percussion therapy make it an excellent choice for those seeking effective muscle relief in a compact package. Despite its size, the Q2 Mini proves that great things come in small packages.

Final Thoughts

Despite its compact size, this massage gun delivers a powerful performance that can effectively ease muscle tension and discomfort. Its extended battery life is another remarkable feature that ensures you enjoy an uninterrupted massage session. The Q2 Mini has proven to be a formidable competitor in massage guns, and it’s ideal for anyone who needs a reliable and efficient way to enhance their muscle recovery and relaxation. So, if you’re looking for a trustworthy, compact, and effective massage gun, the Bob and Brad Q2 Mini Pocket-Sized Muscle Massage Gun is worth considering.

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